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 1:- Thunderstorm Sounds by Sleep Jar®

"Thunderstorm Sounds" by Sleep Jar is a collection of audio recordings that replicate the atmospheric sounds of a thunderstorm. Let me describe it in Urdu for you:

  • ”Alexa, open Thunderstorm Sounds”
  • ”Alexa, start Thunderstorm Sounds”
  • ”Alexa, ask Thunderstorm Sounds to loop”

Thunderstorm Sounds by Sleep Jar® plays sleep sounds and ambient sounds to help you sleep, relax, meditate, relieve stress, or block out unwanted noise. Thunderstorm Sounds is part of the Sleep Jar® brand of Skills trusted by millions of Alexa customers. HOW TO USE: Enable Thunderstorm Sounds by clicking the "enable" button above, then say "Alexa, open Thunderstorm Sounds". By default the sound will play for 1 hour. To loop the sound until you say "Alexa, stop", just say "Alexa, ask Thunderstorm Sounds to loop". The Skill will remember your preferred looping setting for future uses so you don't have to say it again! To set a custom time limit, say "Alexa, stop in 6 hours" or any other duration of time while the Skill is playing and looping is turned on. PRO MEMBERSHIP FEATURES: + Premium audio quality + Enhanced looping (no sound gaps for 10 hours instead of 1 hour) REVIEWS AND FEEDBACK: Your reviews and feedback are important to us! If you love Thunderstorm Sounds please consider writing a review, or send us an email with your feedback at Read More 

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